
Friday, July 13, 2012

My biggest apologies...

So I have to say I am so sorry that it has been SOOOO very long since a post. I have to admit that life (and a little laziness, haha) got in the way but I have an awful lot of things to share. I also did a little thinking about what I intended this blog to be about. I really wanted this to be a place that I could share my trip pictures and experiences with others who loved Disney parks as well. I think I really want to go back to that.. I will say without hesitation that I am not the greatest of writers but I love the times I have at Disney and want to share that.

So, I am grateful to those who have stuck around and had patience with me. I'm really excited about some of the things I have to share with you all really soon! (Including: Ghirardelli, birthday dinner at Club 33, Carsland, and more.)

*Preview image. Here I am in an empty Trophy Room in Club 33.